2020年11月10日香港銀行學會(HKIB)公布2020「香港資訊及通訊科技獎:金融科技獎(HKICT: FinTech Award)」得獎名單以嘉許本地金融科技業界,在面對今年眾多挑戰的同時,仍能為推動香港成為亞洲金融科技樞紐作出貢獻並有出色表現。他們促進各界積極參與金融科技發展,並加強了本地創新產品和解決方案的研發。

滙港資訊有限公司(Infocast Ltd.)憑藉其新研發的「滙港投資寶 InvestPRO」一站式投資及財富管理手機應用程式,在2020香港資訊及通訊科技獎FinTech Award中榮獲「新興解決方案(Emerging Solutions)銀獎」。大會評審團對InvestPRO解決方案的應用性印象深刻,不同類型金融機構均可透過InvestPRO為其投資者客戶隨時隨地提供高質量的投資服務,也可根據公司需求提供定制服務。
「滙港投資寶 InvestPRO」結合了易於操作的智能界面 、實時內容和實用的交易功能。滙港資訊利用多年的行業經驗,創造高效能和高安全性的核心組件,使系統軟件和硬件符合監管要求並超過所有行業基準,從而在競爭中領先一步。
Infocast wins the 2020 HKICT FinTech Silver Award

10th November 2020: The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers has today announced the winners of the Hong Kong Information & Communications Technology (HKICT) Awards 2020: FinTech Award. The awards aim to celebrate the exceptional achievements and dedicated efforts of the local FinTech community to promote Hong Kong as an innovative financial hub in Asia, especially during this challenging year.
This year, Infocast Limited’s new “InvestPRO” application has been awarded the Silver Award in the FinTech: Emerging Solutions category. InvestPRO is a next-generation consolidated investment and wealth management mobile application. The HKICT judging panel were impressed by InvestPRO’s adaptability and suitability to all types of financial institutions, as it can be white-labelled by these licensed companies to provide their investor clients with a high-quality on-the-go trading and portfolio management service. The application’s deployment can also be tailored to suit the company’s branding preferences or functional requirements.
InvestPRO’s delivers an easy-to-use, fully-featured experience for investors. Encompassing a user-friendly interface, intelligent content feeds and capable trading, InvestPRO provides the ultimate on-the-go trading experience. As a core component of a brokerage’s service, InvestPRO’s software architecture and hardware infrastructure are built to exceed industry regulations and benchmarks.
This year Infocast has received two prestigious industry awards, being the 2020 HKICT: FinTech (Emerging Solutions) Silver Award, and the 2020 Economic Digest: Outstanding Brand Award (Investment & Wealth Management Applications). We would like to graciously thank the award organizers for their efforts, our valued clients for their support, and also our entire team at Infocast for their commitment!
Official English Press Release by Cision via Yahoo! Finance: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/winners-hong-kong-ict-awards-125400828.html
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